
All of our programs are “custom tailored” to your needs

  • Private instruction on your boat.

  • Group presentations at your club.

  • “One on one” shore based study.

Boat’s orientation for a new boat

Get to know your new boat with a hands on approach. Work with an experienced captain to go over the boats systems, equipment, handling characteristics, docking, tying up, etc.

Working with crew and guests

Make people feel safe and comfortable while they are aboard. How to get people involved in the operation of the boat and make it a positive experience for all.


A close look at the safety equipment and procedures that your boat should have aboard. Detailed look at man over board, fire and abandon ship, loss of power, heavy weather, injury and sickness.


Learn the mysteries of on the water Navigation. Use both traditional tools and techniques and modern electronics to keep you safe and get you where you want to go.


Boat Handling

Take the helm and learn how to get the boat to do what you want it to do. Docking, maneuvering in tight places. How to deal with wind, tide and current.

Docking and tying up

Learn the tricks to securing the boat after you are done your days adventure. Learn how to get the boat to the dock and tie it up securely as well as the use of fenders, boarding ladders, shore power connections


Nighttime operations

Operating at night can be challenging and potentially dangerous if you are not prepared. We can teach you the skills and help to prepare you to run your boat safely at night. Using both modern electronics and traditional tools we can show you how boats can be run at night.


Setting the anchor is a lot more than tossing it over the side and hoping for the best. We can help you learn how to select a good anchorage, set the hook with enough line see if it is holding, and some special tricks to make the whole process easier.